Lincoln Park Update — COVID-19 Edition
I've got a few things to catch you up on but first I'd like to say -- you're not alone. If you're feeling discouraged and a bit lonely and out of whack right now (as I am) just know that there are many people who are right there with you. I understand. There are good days and bad days. I think we're all suffering, feeling grief, and maybe feeling more than a bit stuck right now during this COVID-19 crisis.
It's so important that we all do our best to try to lift each other up. Every day I tell myself to just do the best that I can and get through the day. Making a to-do list every morning and then sticking to it helps. Donating bottles to the Animal Shelter (at the Ashland Recycling Center) helps. Donating to the Ashland Emergency Food Bank helps. I'm reading a book by Chade-Meng Tan called Joy on Demand which I highly recommend (regarding meditation). Asking the question, "If this is here to teach me something, what is it here to teach me?" Asking yourself this question "allows your brain and your soul to open up to new information." (Thanks, Ahri Golden for that bit of wisdom.)
I know what it's like to feel mildly depressed and even full-on depressed. If ever you are feeling bad and need a friend, please do not hesitate to call my cell at (541) 944-8946. If you're feeling suicidal please reach out for help and know that there are people who care and that you are loved beyond measure. Please reach out to friends, family, or health care professionals and talk through the pain if ever it feels overwhelming.
There is a helpline that people can call: (800) 950-6264 (M-F, 10am - 6pm ET) that is sponsored by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health).
There's also another 24/7 helpline:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255)
If you or someone you know is in crisis—whether they are considering suicide or not—please call the toll-free Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.
On another note, I feel that is is critical to mention that our group wholeheartedly supports the Black Lives Matter movement. John and I watched the Netflix documentary, "13th," last night and we were absolutely blown away. I highly recommend that you watch it tonight if you haven't already. It really lays bare the patterns of systemic racism that we've had in place in our country for hundreds of years. Please make it your mission to see this eyeopening and important film as soon as you can. We need to create a society that is based on equal rights and human dignity for all.
School Supplies Drive for Maslow Project happening now through September 30th! We are currently collecting school supplies (for little kids this time)... to go to the Maslow Project. You can donate directly to the Maslow Project on their website: OR you can purchase school and art supplies and drop them off on our porch (271 High St, Ashland) anytime between now and September 30th. Emily Baehr, Community Engagement Coordinator for Maslow, will be picking up our donations every couple of weeks.
Thanks so much to Mark & Colleen Gibbs, Karen & Larry Nollenberger, Karen Amarotico, Polly Greist, Tom & Kathy Petersen, Joanne Feinberg, and Pam Vellutini for their donations of school supplies!
Welcome to our 54th local business sponsor, Wellness Pet Supplies! We are thrilled to welcome Billie Jo Vinson, Owner of this wonderful little pet supplies store located at 462 A Street in Ashland. Please pay Billie Jo a visit when you can and be sure to say "Thanks for supporting Lincoln Park!"
Check out our brand new website:
Many thanks to Samae Chlebowski, Sharon Dohrmann, and Peter Warren for their help with getting our new website going!
We had a good meeting a couple of weeks ago with Rep. Pam Marsh. We're looking into what might be possible to do on the state level so that other communities do not have to go through what we have gone through in terms of years of work put into efforts to preserve school neighborhood parks. Nationwide, it's very common for school districts and parks departments to work together to figure this out -- collaboratively -- and in a way that benefits everyone involved, including the community. We can do that here in Ashland, too. It's the right thing to do and it simply needs to be done! Many thanks to Samae Chlebowski and Peter Warren for attending this important meeting and to Rep. Marsh for meeting with us.
What's going on at Helman? We are trying to find out the answer to this question and we will keep you posted. It appears that in the School District's recent application to the Ashland Planning Commission (regarding bond construction) they requested that the school grounds be fenced off due to dog waste concerns. We have received assurances (from Helman Principal, Michelle Cuddeback, and Steve Mitzel, Director of Operations for ASD) that the open space at Helman will remain open and accessible to the public after school hours... we'll keep you posted if that should change. We have suggested that they consider adding a doggie bag station, a sign, and perhaps work with the Parks Department on this. Helman School Park is the only park in the Helman neighborhood where kids can play soccer and run around. The other night at 8:10pm there were 24 people out enjoying Helman Park. (Thank you for counting, Glenn.)
Thanks so much for caring about this issue. Take extra good care during these tough times and much gratitude to you for wearing face coverings when out in public. That one simple, caring act alone makes a huge difference and I thank you for doing it.
Lastly, best wishes to John & Sharon Javna who are (sadly for us here in Ashland) moving to New York. John & Sharon, your contributions to our town will leave a lasting mark and we are forever grateful to both of you. Thanks for standing up for Briscoe & Lincoln Parks for all these years. Thanks for ScienceWorks! Thank you for creating the incredible Ashland Food Project -- and the many other food projects across the country that you helped to nurture. Thank you for everything. You will be deeply missed.