Lincoln Park Update & COVID-19 Pandemic

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I hope this finds you well. I'd like for you to know that all of the people in our little park-saving group have been very much on my mind and I wish you all the best during this very challenging time in our nation's history.

First of all, I want to let you know that we cancelled a meeting last week due to the coronavirus pandemic and we will be postponing all meetings and gatherings until it's safe to resume. There are things that we can work on from home, and as soon as we can summon the mental focus required, we'll get right back to it, but this emergency and the safety of the people in our community comes first.

I want to thank some wonderful neighbors of mine (and parks supporters), Laurel Miller & Mitch Sherman. While I was walking our dog today, Laurel, Mitch and I had a conversation from across the street -- our "new normal" for a while.

Laurel mentioned that in Madrid they are going out onto their porches at 8pm and applauding their health care personnel who are out there on the front lines helping us all every day and risking their own personal safety during this crisis.

Please join us in giving our health care professionals a round of applause starting tonight, Friday, March 20, 2020, at 8pm, and continuing every night until the crisis is over. (Location: Your front porch)

Also, I would encourage you, if you can, to please write a check to the Ashland Emergency Food Bank and mail it to: AEFB, 560 Clover Lane, Ashland, OR 97520. The AEFB is a critical safety net for our community at this time and they are needing people to mail in donations. Any amount helps. (Thank you!)

Another thing you might consider doing is donating your redeemable cans and bottles to the Animal Shelter. It's easy and safe to do under the current conditions. Just take your bottles to the Ashland Recycling Center on Water Street and put them in the bins that are to the right of the little dog kennel. It's outside, you can keep your distance from other people, and it gets you out of the house for a few minutes while also giving you the satisfaction of having helped some of our most vulnerable furry friends.

Our Facebook group pages are:

Friends of Lincoln Park:

Ashland Save Our Schools & Playgrounds:

Please join both of these Facebook groups and invite your FB friends to join, too. Our Facebook group pages are a great place for people to share ideas and encouragement as well as share sanity-saving ideas and uplifting content during this crisis.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay safe, remember to breathe, and know that you're not alone.

Love, good health, and hugs to you all.

Together we'll get through this,



Walk for Lincoln Park, Walk for Change